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About My Story
I'm a motocrosser in the small island of ours, in order to jump and land properly and safely from a decent huge table top or double, I know we need proper suspension set up for our machine.

Due to the lack of professional suspension knowledge in Singapore.I have decided to make my way to the States, to Race Tech factory in So Cal ,Corona on my own.

This is the first time I go overseas, and to a far far away land which I see and hear alot in those magazine.

On the right pic, I'm at Glen Helen AMA national mx track having bike testing session with the Race Tech guys, not forgetting the Boss Paul.

The good guy on my left is AMA enduro off road hero Ty Davis.

The History or Story of DBRACING
DBRACING is setup on 24/12 2000, just not long after the boss(me) had came back from the States.
Not only clinch the deal with Race Tech Inc, but also bring back professional suspension knowledge.

In DBRACING, we only specialise in providing dirt bike suspension setup.And we provide free suspension advices,on track suspension tuning,etc..

And we do street bike suspension tuning too.We have done a few revalved work on a 2000 R1,1995 ZX-11, 2000 SRAD750, servicing for most RS125, RS250, CBR400, you name it, we do it!

As the sole RACE TECH dealer in Singapore, we are also certified suspension tuner to provide suspesnion revalved(installation of RACE TECH Gold Valves)

We fix leaking fork and shock too and normal servicing of fork and shock, not just a simple oil change!! It include inspection of the condition of your parts, N2 recharges(for shock). Check us out today!!

**Latest update, I have just revalved a 2001 GSXR1000(in which the machine is non other then the owner of SBR, Graeme Morrison). Base on the stock valve stack and valve design, your bike will be stuttering and resist in bottoming under hard braking! The best solution is to revalve the fork which help greatly!
Check out with Graeme, I'm sure he will be glad to tell you more!.

Hi guys and gers, there had been a trend of various bike owners which opt to change to aftermarket suspension to be install onto their machine.


Imagine, you can get this set of cool looking piece shock for your newly bought scoot which is "proof" to improve the performance for your bike. BUT, do you think the spring rate is suitable for your weight, your kind of riding? The other HUGE guy on the other side on the road may have the EXACT same set of suspension(I mean same model of bike). So now, do you think the suspension will suit you better or him??

The reason why I insist on RACE TECH Gold Valves is because the revalve work will be SET according to your weight(with correct spring rate)and your kind of riding(with the customise valves setup).
You have a WORKS bike! It is just setup for you solely, no other guy in this world has the same suspension setup as yours! What most important, it is actually cheaper than just to replace with aftermarket parts!

Drop me a line
Email me dude!

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please come back often, it will be update every month with new photo from the Malaysia mx series race pic!