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Anyone who wish to sell or buy any bike or accessories are welcome to contact me, it's FREE!
Anyone who wish to sell any bikes, can email me your bike photo or any other bike related acessories.

Or are you looking for any bike? Please leave your contact or email address, the interested party will get to you directly.

  98 WR400F is sold!

Bandit for sale **SOLD**
Hi folks, I'm putting up my Bandit for sale now . The Suzuki is well maintained, oil changed every 2mth, just got a pair of fresh rubber with a new box(for 2 helmets),
road tax and insurance has just been renewed for a year.

Interested party may call Fuwang for more detail at 9435-2768 , sorry no pic.

Ain't my YZ looks nice?
It is just after wash up from the saturday practises at tuas