16th, 17th June, Tg Pinang MX race
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Check out the MX racing scene in Tg Pinang, Indonesia!
My sifu, Edward and veteren racer Gary took part in the race, it is an eye opener for me.

Peter(Indonesia rider), a quiet,humble veteren rider, on a '96 CR125R #3, watch out for him, he's fast!

Edward, #11 rider, check out the Suomy helmet.
"I have a question..."

Gary hurt his back during the practise session
It was kinda funny to see him race in the that manner. Edward look kinda cool and ready.
Start of the race
Starting of mx 125 class
Peter, Indonesia veteren mx racer
He is quiet, humble , he is a good guy.
Outta corner!
Roosting all the way.
Gary's turn to roost
#11 racer on the gas.
"FULL!" is what I always heard from him.
On the double
Gary clear the double despiet the pain on his back.
Ed on the double too
#3, Peter leading the pack in moto 1
Despite the coolant leaking, Peter stop for a top up in the midst of the race and carry on to win the moto.