Doug Henry, my idol
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Check out the latest AMA National MX race, round 3 at Southwick
Southwick is hometown of Doug and Dowd. However, Doug didn't made podium. Dowd got 2nd! Not bad for an old junkyard dog!!

And Doug got 8th overall.

#19 National Mx Racer
My idol, just so happen he has the same birthday as me!!
Doug in front of Sebastein
#13 rider is Sebastein, World GP 250cc champion,

#19 rider is Doug, 1998 AMA 250cc National champion aboard a YZ426 Thumper. The 1st rider to bring a 4stroke to podium and got a championship.

Time to roost!
This is one of my fav pic!
Out in the dirt...
He is racing a Yamaha YZ250, 2 stroke machine in this Southwick, bike is prepared by Pro-Circuit.

Doug preferred bolt-on stuff and no works parts are found on the bike

The above pic is courtesy of member of DRN and RonRonmx